In the Acts 6 where the seven deacons are to be picked, one of the criteria used for their selection is that they are to be "full of the Holy Spirit" (v.3).
These deacons were ostensibly picked to wait on tables but two of them at least did more than that. Stephen, one of the seven, is described as being "full of faith and of the Holy Spirit". Why the two things I wonder? Why isn't full of faith enough?
That designation reminds us that it's important not only to have faith but also to be full of the Holy Spirit even if it's only to wait on tables!!!
This man so full of God, so full of the Spirit performs "great signs and wonders among the people" (v.8). His opponents not able to withstand "the wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke" (v.10) have him falsely accused dragged before the Jewish council to defend himself.
In Acts 7, the angelic Stephen (6.15) castigates those hearing his defence as those who resist the Holy Spirit (v.51) and then being "full of the Holy Spirit" sees the glory of God and Jesus at his right hand (v.55-56).
The next time we are chosen to be a "table waiter" we need to ask, am I full of faith AND full of the Holy Spirit?