Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Christmas Poem From A Good Friend

A dear friend sent this poem to us just recently for Christmas and after asking her permission to publish it I present it here in full.

Jeanette’s Christmas Poem, 2011

In the back blocks of Heaven where the angels hang
round, when not much is happening down here on the
ground, there‘s a bit of commotion, a gasp and a sigh
a Wiki leaks coup from the Lord God on High.

Chatter subsides, then comes a great hush, followed
by moments of panic and rush - angels on telephones,
email and Skype, journalist angels exploiting the hype.

“Ground breaking headlines have just come to hand – 
God is sending His Son to earth as a man.

“To earth as a man? You mean live like a mortal? Just
shows what that Wiki leaks mob will resort to.”

“But it’s true mate, I tell you, I’ve seen preparations, 
years of God’s dealings with people and nations. And
now all is ready, He walks through earth’s door round
about midnight, December 24.”

“And how will he get there? Will he jump? Will he fly?
Will he suddenly appear in a cloud in the sky?”

“Well this is the best bit – you’ll never believe it, He’s
going as a baby and a woman will conceive it.”

“A woman? What woman? A woman in God’s plan when
  God only works through the hands of a man? And
where will it happen? What mansion on earth could
ever be worthy of such a King’s birth?”

“Well actually the birth will take place in a stable with
cows and with donkeys and straw in a cradle. But up in
the sky there’ll be one brilliant star and wise men will
visit who’ve come from afar. They’ll bring some good
presents –gold, myrrh, frankincense...”

“The whole thing’s absurd, it just doesn’t make sense.
God in a body? God become man? God in a stable with
donkey and lamb? Are you sure of your facts? Are you
sure you heard right?”

“Oh yes, we’ll be singing that wonderful night.”

“Singing? Us angels? With bright songs of praise? Now
that sounds much better, the roof we will raise, and
kings and great princes will rise and applaud then bow
down and worship our wonderful Lord.”

“Well to tell you the truth, we’re not singing for kings. 
God’s chosen some shepherds to hear of these things.”

“Shepherds? With sheep? Why should they see the
glory? Why should they hear us sing, why tell
shepherds the story?

“It’s all about Love- Love in the extreme - straight
from God’s heart, the heart of God’s dream.”

“And what might I ask is the name of this plan, when
God leaves his heaven and turns into man?”

“I believe it’s called Christmas, but it’s only the start
of a plan of salvation that shatters God’s heart. The
child in the manger, the babe in the hay will die for
the sins of the people one day. Then rising in glory he’ll
sit on the throne and death will be conquered by his
arm alone.”

“Death will be conquered? Well, I hadn’t a notion that
this was involved in the Christmas commotion.I’ve
noticed the presents, the trees and the fuss, I’ve
noticed the shoppers all out in a rush, I’ve noticed
plum puddings and turkey and beer – but this great
love of God – well I had no idea.”

“Look – there’s the star – it’s rising on high, with
angels assembling across the night sky, There’s a cry
from the stable - Christmas has come. The Lord God
has done it – He’s sent His own Son.”