We are less inclined these days to repress our sexuality-consciousness but wholly given over to repressing our 'God-consciousness' (Viktor Frankl). Not that that is new in our era because mankind has always be active in the wilful suppression of the truth (St Paul). One way we avoid God and the truth of God is by busyness. Carl Jung was held to have said, 'busyness is not of the devil; it is the devil'!
Even in church, congregants keep themselves busy by 'redeeming the time' (!), by doing things that keep their attention diverted from what God might be saying to them at this time. They talk and socialise before the service in such a way that God may be kept out of their conversation.
Churches can be known for rushing through services and denominations once known for the ability to pause during the service, so that people may remember what they are doing, are perhaps doing this less today. We think we will be heard by God for our much talking and noise. We forget that God is interested in teaching us to be present to Him.
Pausing is a vital activity for churches to do. Take time to pause after the sermon, for example. Perhaps, people are thinking, Thank God that's over! Now we can get on to the next thing. But, God is waiting for us to say, Speak Lord for your servant is listening. Few sermons or bible readings do not have the potential for God's present word to us to be conveyed.